
Showing posts from September, 2024

On Being Love

  I have been absent for awhile - busy accomplishing in a variety of areas.  Over the course of my last 20+ years I have lived a very peaceful existence - having seldom if ever experienced malice or even negative situations lasting more than a matter of minutes. My last 3 months have been much more tumultuous - causing me to reflect - and to make efforts to change my circumstances back to those of the past 20 years.  Actually - I traced this all back to errors caused by myself - in my outlook and the way I was managing myself. This blog is about finding Heaven on Earth - here on this earth and in this time.  There is nothing more important to this than in endeavouring to be love in every moment.  Love is God's currency - and when we are being love - by giving of our selves - our utmost - ato anyone and everyone and to anything and everything - we are as close to God as we can be. My course over these last many years has been a charmed one.  Ultimately you will all be able to experi