Celebrating Gary's Birthday

Gary Belanger is an amazing guy from the community who always has a good word for everybody.  He is in his mid forties - yet has the youthful look and exuberance of someone twenty year his junior.  Today at a great community event - Café Rencontre at the Wesley Community Centre on Notre Dame de Grace - we all gathered for fellowship and to celebrate Gary's birthday.

Shady Safar - the organizer of these weekly community events - related to us how he has to work within a strict budget and didn't know if he had sufficient funds to buy food for the estimated 30-35 people as well as to buy a cake for Gary.  At the very last minute a local pizza outlet contacted him to tell him they had a good number of pizzas to donate - which freed up Shady's budget in order to buy Gary a big cake!  At the table someone mentioned that God works in mysterious ways.  My answer to that was the further down the path we get with God - the less mysterious are His ways!

So we were over 30 people gathered together today to share in friendship, food and a fun game of Bingo.  The food was spectacular - and plentiful - with a combination of cheese and vegetarian pizza, a wonderful warm bowtie pasta salad and Blackforest cake and watermelon for dessert.

When everyone had finished eating and the dishes were cleared up, Shady led the group in a game of Bingo.  We played the entire card - and prizes were given to the winners.  Actually - everyone received an equal prize consisting of a bag of fresh apples and pears - a very nice bonus for every person present!

Café Rencontre is one of the great community activities going on weekly - thanks to organizers and volunteers - without whom these events would not be possible.  My sincere thanks to Shady, the NDG Community Council and the entire team of people who work diligently to ensure that everyone present has a great time!  And to those of you who would like to come out and join us - please do!  The more the merrier!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...




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