A Confession - Of Sorts

For those who read my blog posts - you know this blog is aimed at helping you find Heaven - here on Earth - in our everyday lives.  I'd like to share with you a story of my day today.

River's Edge Community Church is a wonderful institution in NDG.  I had never been there physically - but have followed Lorenzo DellaForesta - the lead pastor's messages online quite often.  I love the way he presents his material - and the way the entire service is delivered - with wonderful, uplifting music by Lorenzo's wife Michelle and her twin sister Monica, along with a great band.

I went to River's Edge for the service - but mainly to meet up with several friends afterwards - as they were having their monthly Community Brunch.  I thoroughly enjoyed the service and met several people from the community who I know - two of whom are helping out as volunteers!  

When it was time for brunch - the people in charge had done an amazing job of establishing two identical setups - in order to handle the perceived needs immediately following the service.  The food was incredible!  It featured scrambled eggs - with or without cheese, bacon, sausages, hash browns, chili, pancakes, Jamaican patties (beef, chicken or veggie) along with muffins and assorted sweets, cheese and fruits.  Things went off without an apparent hitch!

Here is the beautiful part!

I had come for the service and the brunch - and to meet up with friends.  After I had finished eating and was making my way to the door - I ran into an old friend - Giovanna Carruba and her beautiful 15 year old dog who I had noticed when she walked in and remarked to my friend - 'River's Edge is dog-friendly - how nice!'  As Giovanna and I spoke Lorenzo's wife Michelle stopped by and Giovanna introduced us - immediately Michelle gave me a warm hug!  How nice!  Giovanna and I continued our conversation - and I mentioned something that Lorenzo said regarding how there is no one in this sanctuary who is not broken - whereby I said (tongue-in-cheek) I am not broken (under my breath of course!).  Then Michelle's twin sister Monica came over and I was introduced to her - told her what an incredible job I think she and her sister do in the service - and gave her a big hug!

Here is the confession!

Giovanna told the two sisters about my mentioning that I am not broken - and I felt like I had to elaborate.  I told them that as a result of something that happened to me in 2003 - I had been diagnosed bipolar and schizophrenic - a diagnosis I completely disagree with!  Resultant from that time - I gave my entire life over to God - and these last 20+ years have been a journey into the heart of God for me.  I don't believe in God - I know Him.  I told how I see my psychiatrist once/year and he only asks me one question.  How are you?!  My answer never changes: 'I am great and getting better by the day!'  His answer never waivers: 'That is impossible - you are getting older, weaker and fatter by the year.'  To which I respond: 'I am on an upwards, continuous and never-ending spiral through the infinite levels of Heaven on Earth!'  End of conversation!

As a defense of my mention that I am not broken, I told them that I may not be perfect, but I am closer today than yesterday.  To me perfection is being able to live in Love in every moment.  Because our external circumstances are simply a reflection of what we have inside - if all we have is Love - this is what we will be surrounded by - in every sense.

And that was the end of my sermon for the day!  So I went expecting a message and to be fed.  I was satiated to the max by those, but on top of that got to meet and befriend three amazing ladies who I love and respect!  I hope you have enjoyed reading this!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always,




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