Young So New - A Presence on Sherbrooke Street!

I am someone who believes in fate.  I leave the vast majority of my life situations to this.  I had not seen Mr. New for a very long time and was concerned for his well-being.  So I called him earlier and when he came on the phone and sounded just like the man I know - I was relieved!  We arranged to meet today at 10am - outside his favourite Korean Grocery Store on Sherbrooke at Beaconsfield.

I have known Young for many years now.  I'm not certain how we originally met - my guess is that it was while walking on Sherbrooke St. - which we both do.  He carries his signature briefcase with him always - filled with photocopies of important documents to him - citations he has received from prominent people in the community for the very good works he does.  He drops in to a great many businesses on his daily route along Sherbrooke.

Young is a long time member of the Salvation Army.  He is a prominent member of the NDG Korean Community - doing much work to assist especially the older members of this community - in all ways.  He collects pennies - not for collection-sake - but in order to donate to the Gazette Christmas Fund - which he does annually - in the neighbourhood of several hundreds of dollars each year.

More than anything - he is a really good soul.  We had a great foursome for many years - Mr. New - Caroline Orchard and her husband Ricardo André - and myself.  We used to get together at the Tim Horton's on St. Jacques at Cavendish and spend a couple of hours bringing each other up to date on all of our activities.  Young would always pay for the coffee and donuts for us all!  No ifs, ands or buts about it!  I miss those times.  Caroline and Ricardo are great people who did amazing things for the neighbourhood's Inuit population.  In recent years they have bought a working farm near Victoriaville, QC - where they have numerous greenhouses and are instructing Inuit youth on how to grow vegetables - in order to have them take these skills back to their communities up north.

I am thrilled by the events of today!  I know that while this was a first meeting between Young and myself in several years - it will not be the last!  He is an important part of my life and I will make a point of keeping in regular contact with him - and maybe just re-introduce a regular visit to Tim Horton's in order to keep up with each other!  I will make certain to get Caroline and Ricardo involved whenever the come to town!  Please keep on the lookout for Young and his briefcase on Sherbrooke Street - and if you do come across him - I guarantee he will brighten your day!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...



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