Who Are The People In Your Neighbourhood?

Shortly I will be initiating a weekly blog about someone in the community who I would like you all to meet - not just you meaning all those in NDG - but you meaning all those who are tuning into my blog globally.  These will all be really special people who in my opinion embody my precepts for living in Heaven on Earth - they are endeavouring to live in love the very vast majority of their time.

Many years back I coined the phrase;  'With every act of love, Heaven grows across Earth.'  My sentiments on this are as follows - our actions affect a wide variety in our day - people who are the recipients of these actions as well as people who are merely observers.  We can never know the full impact of our actions - as this is hidden from us.  With that said, as we act out in love, we are like 'transmitters of love' - passing our energy onto a large number of people who happen to be in our surrounding.

This is the reason Andy and I show up at 'the office' every morning.  Because we have love to give away freely - to every person who comes our way.  And the numbers grow daily!  A very wise man - Lionel Polger - a crossing guard outside Royal Vale School said to me one day - 'Why should I travel the world when I can stand in one place and have the world come to me?!'  This is also my philosophy for my time at 'the office!'  It never ceases to amaze me the variety of people who we meet there - and from all over the world!

So please look for my weekly blog on people you should meet - and if you know of anyone that fits this description (including yourself!), please write me at rossG3@gmail.com.

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...



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