Resto-Depot: Much More Than A Meal

About a month and a half ago - my great friend - Leon Maliniak - who is a career lawyer - real estate developer and professional musician - told me about this place on Somerled where on Tuesdays they offer a great meal combined with live music all afternoon.  He invited me to join him the following Tuesday.

I didn't go with Leon the following week - but I did meet him there along with some of his friends.  I sat with some people I know from the neighbourhood - who I didn't know patronized this place.  The meal I received - as I explained to Tasha Lackman (the Executive Director of the Depot NDG) in an excited email to her - I would have gladly paid $20 plus tax and tip for in a restaurant.  Add to this that there was a very proficient musician playing guitar and singing - which only added to the amazing chemistry of the very full venue.

Since that day I have become a regular.  My situation is not unlike many people in NDG at the moment.  With the rents soaring to unprecedented heights - I am paying well in excess of 50% of my total income on housing.  And with the crazy cost of groceries these days - I truly appreciate everything the Depot NDG is doing.  But great meals is just the half of it!  The people we meet during our times there are extra special - from the staff to the volunteers to those who come in for a coffee or a meal - to a person - everyone is friendly and helpful.

In her message to me, Tasha mentioned that they are trying to outgrow the reputation of being an emergency service for those who do not have enough and to become a place where people come to feel good and to be an important part of our community.  It has only been about 5 weeks that I have been coming - and I can tell you that Tasha's mission is being accomplished!  The people at Resto-Depot have welcomed me into their big family and I look forward to every day I am going there!  I have made no less than a dozen new friends who I see regularly there.

Today was something special - and I believe truly out of the ordinary.  I got there and all the seats at my regular table were taken.  I sat at the end - with three empty spots for others.  The first person to sit down was Rajesh.  We exhanged first names and began to talk about what we are involved with.  Rajesh is a psychotherapist - a real estate agent - a bookkeeper/accountant - to name but a few of the things he does!  He has been in Montreal from India for just over 4 years  In short order, Mohammad sat down beside me.  The three of us introduced ourselves and continued our conversation.  We learned that Mohammad is a physician who has been in Montreal with his family for just over a year.  He has recently passed Canadian equivalency from McGill and is leaving mid July to start a position in medicine in Nova Scotia.  After we had all finished our meal, Rajesh had to leave.  We said our goodbyes and promised to keep in touch.  At that point, Roksana came and sat down.  We introduced ourselves and launched into a conversation about the Resto-Depot - what an amazing place it is - and possibly how we could assist in promoting this wonderful place to the communitiy - in order to have more people patronize - and support it.

What was incredible about these meetings is that there were 4 of us - 4 professionals - eating at a community kitchen - and being there because it is such a wonderful place.  I hope that in some way this will encourage you - all of you - to come and check this place out.  It is open and serving meals Tuesday 2-7pm and Wednesday - Friday 10am-3pm.  The suggested donation is $2/meal - but if you can - please consider donating monthly and whatever you can.  As time goes on, more and more people need these valuable services and it would be great if through your generosity the Depot NDG could not only maintain - but - elaborate their services!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...


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