My First Stop - Nikas!

It was a crazy day today!  My plans changed several times and finally I was able to leave my house right on noon, with a goal of heading towards my destination of Place Guy Viau - a little park on Sherbrooke and Royal which the City of Montreal has done up really nicely with Adirondack chairs, a couple of picnic tables and benches all over.

As I headed south on Walkely for Somerled, I ran into a friend -  Rosanna - who invited me into her home to visit with her son - Jacob.  They live in a very small dwelling which is beautiful in its simplicity and charm.  The space is cramped - owing to Jacob's passion which is 3D Printing - and an entire host of other extremely brilliant endeavours which partner with his skill at conceptualizing and then building these 3D models.  We spent an hour together - and I was completely enthralled the entire time!  This is not the last you will hear from me about Jacob and his talents!

I left there and continued on my journey.  As I got close to the park, I remembered back to several nights prior when I dropped off two friends at Nikas Restaurant on Sherbrooke and Hingston as they were going to meet a couple of their other friends.  I decided at that moment to have lunch there!

In the last 6 months I have been to Nikas regularly - mostly to meet friends for a tea/coffee or the odd breakfast.  I had never partaken of their dinner menu although I had heard good things about it.  As soon as I entered I was greeted by the friendly face of Audrey - the waitress - she was training a new waitress - Alma - who was doing her first shift at the restaurant!  I found an empty booth and sat down.  Inside a couple of minutes, Alma was over with water and a menu.  I asked her for a cup of tea and launched into the menu.  Nikas has a one page Specials Menu with lunch specials from 11am-4pm.  The meals are served with your choice of soup and coffee/tea or dessert and prices are in the $14.95-17.95 vicinity - really great value for what you get!

I opted for a two stick pork souvlaki plate which came with rice, a choice of house potatoes or fries and chef salad.  The soup today was cream of broccoli - which wasn't really a creamed soup at all as it had nice morsels of carrot and broccoli in it and was extremely tasty and piping hot.  Inside of 5 minutes of finishing my soup - my meal was delivered to my table.  It was a big - full plate!  i didn't know where to start!  I tried the house potatoes first and found them to be very succulently seasoned.  Then I skinned the souvlaki off its stick and had the first mouthfuls - they were tender, juicy and delicious!  The rice was also extremely nice.  I am not a huge salad eater, but found the dressing to be very enjoyable.

Audrey is a bundle of laughs!  She is bubbly - intelligent - and always ready with something relevant and interesting.  Because of the openness of the restaurant - you can hear pretty much all conversations - hence Audreys continuous repartee with the clients is always audible - and appreciated - at least by this client!  I said Nikas was my first stop on my new mission to tour all NDG and vicinity restaurants - that is a misnomer - it will be added to my regular weekly stops for the time being.  I enjoyed myself so much with the food and the banter from Audrey - that I must get more of this!  I give Nikas two very enthusiastic thumbs up - and invite you to try one of the best Greek restaurants in Montreal.

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...



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