Maryla Zylicz: Raising Our Children Right

About 5 years ago I moved from the middle of NDG to the northwestern margin of the borough (Coronation and Cote St Luc).  This changed my daily walking pattern - and took me out of the path of several people I really enjoyed meeting up with regularly.  Maryla was one of these.

Often I would see her rushing to work at the daycare near her house - or at lunch walking one of several dogs she did - because she loves dogs and wants to keep them an important part of her life.  Often I would see her with her young charges - off on an outdoor field trip and would happily greet and say hi to all the little ones!  It wasn't a daily occurence - but running into Maryla was always very enjoyable and enlightening.

I first came to know her through our dogs.  Maryla had a large breed pooch - Olive - who was the love of her life.  She did everything for Olive.  Maryla used to joke that my dog - Smokey - didn't really care that much for Olive - but that was Smokey - he loved people and only tolerated other dogs!  Both those amazing animals are years in our past - and like Maryla - I have chosen not to have another.  As her - I like to enjoy all the other dogs I come across in my days!

It is evident when you speak with Maryla the love she has for life and for people.  It is not a stretch to imagine what a great role model she would be and is for the young people in her care.  She gives so much of herself to her children - that sometimes I worry for her well-being - that there isn't enough time for her to look after herself also.  Covid changed the game for many daycare workers.  They started doing regular reports with pictures sent to the families of the children which added a couple of hours to everyone's day.  With Covid in the background now - the parents enjoyed and appreciated the increased information - and wanted to keep it.  What that means is that the daycare educators days do not end when the children leave, but once all their reports are done.

I think about Maryla often - but the reason I thought about her to write this blog today was because I was having some cookies with an amazing Lingonberry Spread from Ikea that she had brought me as a housewarming gift a couple of months ago.  She came over with an an amazing dog she was looking after - Pumpkin - we had tea and then walked around the big park next to my place.  She also brought me blueberry scones from Gryphon Bakery - something I have decided to always keep on hand in order to pop in the oven should I have a surprise guest come over.

I am very fortunate in that in my circle I get to be around a great many people who live their lives in love - and Maryla exemplifies this as much as any.  She would be fast to say her life is anything but heaven on earth - but I would argue - with all the love she has in her life - the dogs - the children - her husband Norman and her friends - she is one of the most blessed people I know.

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...



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