Kate Davey - A Huge Heart for Animals

When I was considering writing a regular blog about the areas kind, loving and generous people - Kate's name was one of the first to pop into my mind.  I have known 'Katie' for a very long while - dating back to a time when I helped my cousin out with his bar/resto on Sherbrooke Street - Buster Harvey's - in the mid 90's.

Kate was great friends with my good friend, Jill Salomon.  They were virtually inseparable - and regular visitors to the bar/restaurant.  They share an unparalleled love for animals - mostly dogs.

In recent years I have had the great fortune to see Kate regularly.  She is a presence at Andy's and my 'office' outside Metro Grocery Store on Somerled at Walkley.  She comes over to my place on occasion with her omnipresent little pug mix - Louie.  We meet for coffee/tea at Café 92° near her home on Sherbrooke at Montclair - where she always offers to buy me something!

Kate's life has not been an easy one - but she makes the best of everything.  Faith is a great part of this mix.  She studied with the Jehovah's Witnesses for several years but seems to have gone away from this - opting for Madison Baptist Church's services on Sundays.  She is extremely gregarious - saying hello to everyone as she and Louie make their way through the streets of NDG.  She is committed to fitness - working out and doing classes at the NDG Y as well as swimming at the Centre Sportif de NDG on Monkland at Benny.

But more than anything, Kate is an animal lover.  For many years she has been a dog walker, a pet babysitter and groomer.  She has assisted the Montreal SPCA regularly - her only problem with this being the need for euthanizing pets brought in to be adopted - when they have been in house for too long and can't find a forever home.  She is an animal rights activist - working to enlighten people on the problems with our laws - especially about the issue of apartments in the Montreal area not allowing pets - and forcing pet owners to give up their beloved animals when they move - something which is extremely relevant - especially as we move towards July 1st.

Katie has one burning goal - to build a Palliative Care Residence for older dogs whose owners cannot support their needs anymore.  If anything can demonstrate Kate's heart to you this can!  A project such as this is not easy.  It is replete with heartache and upset.  Imagine - looking after a myriad of animals whose owners can no longer deal with.  But this is Kate's nature!  She is not averse to hard work - and she has a heart of absolute gold.  Somehow - someway - I know that Kate will open this facility.  I just hope I can have something to do with it!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...




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