John Jordan: The Neighbourhood Nice Guy!

In a little nondescript alcove on Sherbrooke next to Esposito Grocary store on Wilson lies the home/office/studio of one of the most artistic people - quite possibly in the world.  I say the alcove is unremarkable - but really it is - it doubles as Alley Cat Gallery - a tribute to the feline species created by John Jordan.

John shares his space with his cat - Humbert - who spends most of his time roaming around the immediate area and on the beer cases at Fadi's Depanneur at the corner of Harvard.  Quite a few years back - as a very funny ploy - John ran Humbert in the local race for City Councillors - citing a lack of eligible candidates for the postion!

That is the wit and humour of John Jordan!  He is a great guy with ample time for everyone - and in many cases you can find him outside his apartment sitting at his 'desk' on the street welcoming all comers.  There is always a coffee at the ready for whoever wants to sit down and chat with John.

His talents run the gamut - from being a multifaceted musician - writing lyrics, creating melodies, playing and recording - to being an organizer and promoter of musical genres in the area - to being one of the most creative visual artists - John does it all! You can see him and his talents in this amazing video about NDG:  It's All Good in NDG.  

Several years ago - motivated by our interations from the streets - John created a song about my organization - NDG Project - named Neighbours Doing Good - NDG.  He also has numerous albums through his various bands and affiliations - most notably Osmosis Unlimited.  

For several years, John and his band played outside either his location or Fadi's Depanneur at Porchfest in May - providing some incredible music relief to the shoppers and passersby in the area.  Unfortunately - this had to be curtailed in the recent past - for a myriad of reasons - but John is hopeful that he will return if future years!

Life has not always been easy for John - but - in the very vast majority of cases he has made lemonade from lemons and keeps a very upbeat and friendly demeanor.  If you are passing by the area - keep on the lookout for him - and stop by and have a coffee and a chat - you will be better for this exchange!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...



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