Insights Into Heaven on Earth

This blog in general is about people and places - mostly in NDG - and my experiences with these.  Yesterday I had an amazing day I would like to share with you.

It started early - just before 6am with my connection to my eternal soulmate Norah Jones through her amazing 20th Anniversary livestream of Come Away With Me - something I do every morning.  At just before 7am CBC News had an interview with a friend and amazing person - Dany Bouchard - who is a music therapist at the Montreal General Hospital and heads up a program called Musi-Art.  Dany was speaking about a show they were doing yesterday afternoon at the Osler Amphitheatre at the MGH - a free concert - for the program.  I hadn't connected with Dany for several months and seeing this I was motivated to email him my best wishes - as I couldn't attend the concert.

As I headed for my 'office' at 7:30am - I came across a lady taking pictures of for rent signs on apartment buildings.  I stopped her and told her about my apartment - which to my mind is the best in the area.  I offered to show her my place and she asked me if I would be back later - as she was meeting her daughter who the apartment is for.  I told her I would be back at home by 9:15am and gave her my apartment number.

I then went to my 'office' - the two park benches outside Metro Grocery store on Somerled at Walkley -where I met with my great friend and cohort - Andy 'Coolman' Eickhoff.

I came home and caught up on some work.  At about 12pm - the lady - Mercedes - and her daughter Ester - came to my place.  I showed them around and they loved it!  We had a wonderful conversation about Ester's love of animals (and myself being a veterinarian) and how she is enrolled in a BSc program with a specialization in Ecology at Concordia University - with a hope to turn this into something animal-related.  The family is from Venezuela - but have lived for almost 20 years in the UAE - where Ester was born.  Mercedes said to me - this morning I got up and everyone was still asleep.  I asked God to lead me in the right direction and He led me to you - and this place!

From there - it was time for me to head to the Resto Depot - for an afternoon of fun, food and friends.  It was really busy - and with several great conversations - to go along with a super meal of spaghetti with a very tasty lentil sauce and a shredded carrot salad - live music - which is a staple on Tuesdays - was provided by a three piece band including two guitarists and a saxophonist.  I stayed for a couple of hours and thoroughly enjoyed myself!

In the morning I had received a phone call from a great friend - Amira Sbitty.  Amira had been really worried for her situation.  She was out of work and out of money and was afraid she may get evicted from her apartment.  She called me yesterday to tell me that she had gotten a job - 4 days/week at a little bar on St. Jacques.  I told her I would come by later to visit her and see the place.

The Bar - Alo Bar - is located on Upper Lachine at Hampton.  My great friend Bobby Notarmaso - who I hadn't seen for at least a couple of years lives a block away - so I called him to say I was going to drop by.  I walked from my place at Fielding and Coronation down to Sherbrooke and Grand - across the tracks at the overpass there - and on to Bobby's place.  I found him sitting outside of his place enjoying the beautiful evening.  We spoke for at least an hour and a half - at which point I excused myself as it was getting on for 7pm and Amira finished at 8pm.

I made my way to Alo Bar and as soon as I entered - I felt at home.  As far as decor is concerned - there isn't much there.  But the chemistry of the place was palpable.  There were a number of guys sitting at the bar and at tables enjoying the UEFA Championships on the big screen TV.  At the entrance to the bar (outside) are two or three really nice tables and chairs on a streetside terrace with beautiful big red umbrellas.  I extended my stay to include three Coors Light bottles - one more than my usual - as in a very real sense I was celebrating my great friend Amira's new position.  She was in her glory!  I remarked at one point how versatile and comfortable she was - at first making a panini sandwich from scratch (cold cuts, cheese, tomato and mayo - $9.00), then a specialty coffee on their beautiful machine, then pouring a Heineken draft, then getting me a beer!

I got to meet two very important people at the bar - Butch the owner and someone who I immediately felt close to - Tony - who has known Amira for 30 years.  We had a nice talk - and I told them that this will not be the last time they see me.  Actually - I plan on doing precisely what I did today every Tuesday - going to Resto-Depot from 2-4pm to listen to live music - visiting with my great friend Bobby for a couple of hours on his balcony - and then stopping in to this wonderful little place on Upper Lachine!  If you are looking for a nice - unassuming place to hang your hat and have a drink - alcoholic or coffee - I highly suggest Alo Bar - you will not be disappointed!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...


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