Wilensky's: I'd Like A Special and a Cherry Cola, Please

This past Sunday I was in Le Manoir NDG enjoying their great breakfast.  A man came in and sat at the table across from me - with his back to my table.  I heard him speak and immediately recognized the voice!  Saul Wilensky.  A man I knew well from my time working as the squash and racquetball professional at Cavendish Club in the 90's.  I had just finished my meal and moved over to his table to say hello.

Saul and I spoke for a good while - about a number of different topics.  I asked him how his sister, Sharon was doing and he told me she was doing a wonderful job with the family business - Wilensky's Light Lunch on Fairmount at Clark Ave.  I told Saul that I was ashamed to admit it - but - that I had never had a 'Wilensky Special' - their famous sandwich comprised of all-beef salami, all-beef bologna and mustard on a bun which is never cut.  Saul's reply to me was - 'Don't say that too loud!'  I promised him that I would get there in the immediate as a visit to Wilensky's was well past due!

So today was the day.  It likely wasn't the greatest choice of days to go downtown or anywhere thereabouts being that it is Grand Prix weekend, however a decision had been made.  I invited my great friend, Dr. Brent Brooks to join me and we agreed to meet at the deli at 12:00pm.  Brent had not been there since 1969!

I got there a coupe of minutes early and upon entering, the first person I saw was Saul's sister, Sharon - the co-owner.  We haven't seen each other since the early 90's, but she recognized me instantly!  I took a couple of minutes to look around and to really enjoy all the memorabilia and information presented on every square inch of the resto.  Sharon and I spoke for several minutes and then she took her place behind the counter with easily 6 other staff members.  She offered a couple of seats at the counter to me and I told her I would wait until my friend Brent showed up.

When I entered there were 4 people seated at the counter and a couple of people waiting for takeout orders.  In the fifteen minutes it took for Brent to show up - there must have been another 30 people who had come - been served and satisfied - and left with their Wilensky Specials and drinks.  The operation is flawless and built for speed and customer satisfaction!

When Brent arrived - Sharon offered up a couple of seats to us right in front of her and the grill.  She took our order - I had a Wilensky Special with Swiss cheese and Brent had a Wilensky Special plain.  We each had a cherry cola which was amazing and Brent had a side of pickles.  The sandwiches were fabulous - simple - and extremely tasty!  We were talking about forms of payment they accept and I said I'm really glad you take debit - otherwise I might have had to be doing the dishes!  One of the staff members said - I doubt it - you know the owner!  And then added - doing the dishes wouldn't be such a bad gig!  You see, there are no plates in the deli - all the sandwiches are served on napkins - all I would have had to wash would be the glasses!

The bill for our two lunches came to just over $15!  My buddy Brent paid and left the remainder of a $20 bill as tip.  Upon my return home I checked on the web to see the site my friend Saul had built for Wilensky's - and was amazed to see that all monies collected as tips go to the Heart and Stroke Foundation as the owners believe in fairness and that all staff should be compensated equally.

In summary, I was absolutely amazed by every element of Wilensky's.  They can add me to their list of very satisfied customers - I will be back regularly!  If you have never been - as I - or haven't been in years - as my buddy Brent - I recommend you make it a stop on your itinerary - it is one of the best meals - and deals - to be had in Montreal!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...

Ross G3.ca


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