Gerry Ferguson - Legend: Golf Pro Extraordinaire!

I have known Gerry since the onset of my professional golf career in 1989.  At that time he was the assistant pro for Derrick Gray at Kanawaki Golf Club - a beautiful 18 hole facility just over the Mercier Bridge.  Other golf pros were afforded privileges on area golf courses in off-peak times and I used to call Gerry regularly to ensure it was okay for me to come over and play Kanawaki.  He was always obliging!

I moved around a lot in my 10 years in the CPGA - but Gerry stayed put at Kanawaki for many years - until he made the move to Meadowbrook Golf Club in Cote St Luc - as Head Professional and Restaurant Owner.  This was a great position for the gregarious Ferguson - affording him a great means to make a living as well as beer at cost for himself!  Gerry did a fantastic job on both counts - building an amazing junior program in order to grow the game - giving lessons to many - and catering to the needs of people making the turn through 9 holes and before and after their rounds from a restaurant/bar perspective.

Management changed at the golf club and Gerry found himself 'demoted' to being simply a Teaching Professional at the club with no restaurant ownership.  This put a significant dent in his earning ability - but the affable guy that he is - he took it as just another bump in the road.  In that time - you could show up at the golf club and know you would find Gerry in his big sports chair by the chipping and putting practice green - either working with a student or waiting on one.  They say the best form of marketing is person to person - and Gerry had a lot of this going on.  People liked him and they liked and respected his knowledge and love for golf and the way he teaches.

The other day I was walking up Walkley from my 'office' to my home - and Gerry was sitting outside with a good looking man named Jack.  He called me over and we began what ended up being probably a 45 minute conversation.  Jack lives in New York City and is married to a doctor who lives in Westmount - and visits our fair city pretty much once/month for two weeks at a time.  According to Jack - Gerry 'picked him up' on the golf course - asking to join him in finishing his round.  Jack was impressed by the ease of Gerry's swing and the distances and precision with which he sent the ball flying - and enrolled in a series of lessons.  In golf season they still get together regularly for 'touch ups.'  Before leaving from our visit, Gerry went in the house and brought out a small glass of clear liquid.  He gave it to me telling me this was 'elixir of the Gods!'  It was sensational!  He asked me if I wanted a bottle and I said - for sure!  He disappeared into his apartment and returned minutes later with a Dollarama bag along with the bottle contained within.  The elixir is Homemade Spruce Beer - made by Paul Patates on Charlevoix in Montreal.  We have made a plan to go there one day for hot dogs and fries and spruce beer!

Gerry and I have a vision for Meadowbrook Golf Club.  It is turning it into a 36 Hole Championship Facility using my great friends Darrell and Warren Huxham of Huxham Golf Design to do the conversion.  Gerry even knows the new name of the club - Horns of the Bull Golf and Country Club!  In his apartment he has designs created by Montreal Golf Legend Stan Horne back in the day - of a golf project he intended to build.  Gerry wants to incorporate these holes into the Cote St Luc project.  It may be a little while away - but - in my crystal ball - I see Gerry's dreams becoming reality someday soon!

Gerry is still teaching whenever necessary at Meadowbrook Golf Club.  If you are looking to improve and/or learn the game - I can suggest no one better to spend time with.  He can be reached at 514.655.3769.  Look him up - I guarantee you will have one of the best times in your life with him!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...



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