Depot NDG: Doing Tremendous Good in the Neighbourhood

It has been about three weeks since I wrote about my first experience in going to Resto-Depot at the NDG Food Depot.  Facebook Post.  While I am nowhere near a vegetarian - I was so impressed by the place that I decided to make it a regular stop for lunch/dinner 3 times/week.

In speaking with the Executive Director - Tasha Lackman - she has told me that their objective is to be way more than simply an emergency food source - it is to build community.  And that is precisely what they are doing!  To a person - everyone associated with the Depot is kind and generous and giving of their time and energy to ensure that everyone who enters through their doors is looked after and treated right.

It is funny.  I have sat at my 'office' outside Metro Grocery Store only three blocks away from the Depot for over 4 years - and had never partaken of their services - because I felt that in some way they weren't for me - that I didn't need them.  And then my good friend Leon Maliniak told me about an experience he had at the Resto-Depot which completely changed my perspective and mind.  He told me about Tuesdays - where for the most part of the 5 hours they are open and serving meals (2-7pm), there is live music.  I had to check it out and am ecstatic I did!

The Resto-Depot is open 4 days/week: Tuesdays from 2-7pm and Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10am-3pm.  While in these times you can get a great - chef-prepared and extremely nutritious meal - you can get so much more - you can become integrated in your community and will find a place where you feel valued and welcome.  The staff - who are predominantly volunteers - go out of their way to help and are a very important part of this mix.

At no point does anyone ever ask you for anything - except if you would like more tea or coffee!  There is a little cash box at the reception desk, where people can leave a donation to the Depot.  On the website there is a suggestion that a $2 donation for meals would help them greatly.  Personally - because my plan is to use them regularly I decided to make a monthly donation via their website.  If you'd like to use this option, you can donate here.  If you'd like to take a more active role in your community and help out at the Depot - you can volunteer here.

Whatever the case, the Depot's services are for everyone in our community and I hope this message serves to make you aware of this.  Tasha and all the fine people who work here will be there to welcome you when you enter and to make certain you enjoy your visit - and come back!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...



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