Adventures of the Walking Fool


My great friend, Bruce Kert is the original Walking Fool.  I am just carrying on his legacy!  He wrote this really catchy song:  Walking Fool.  Since 2004, I have walked the streets of NDG regularly - Sherbrooke, Monkland, Terrebonne, Somerled, Fielding, Cote St Luc - from Westminster to Decarie - and even further afield.

I consider this as an important component of my blog.  It is about finding Heaven on Earth - in the here and now - through being love in every moment.  An important part of this is being healthy - and there is no better exercise than walking!

Many years ago - I was working at a place called The Sporting Club du Sanctuaire - in Outremont.  On one of my first days at the club - I spied a gorgeous woman walking around the running track at the club.  I didn't think much more about it, but I saw her every day walking around that track - and just had to know more about her!  I found out from several of my fellow staff members at the club that her name was Jill Salomon and that she was a teacher.

I had never even come face to face with her - but I decided to approach her and ask her out on a date!  Armed with the shiniest apple I could find (an apple for the teacher!) I sidled up to her as she was walking around the track, stopped her and engaged her in conversation.  I asked her if she would like to go out with me - and she said YES!  Inside of a week we went on our first date - to the upstairs bar at Tasty Food Restaurant on Decarie.  It was there that Jill told me how her most favourite thing to do is to walk - long distances - 5 miles and more - daily!

This was the Genesis of my walking.  I was never a runner - or at least seldom.  My body was not made to handle the continuous concussion of running - especially on pavement.  But I love to walk.  While the exercise is great - what I find truly remarkable is that at a walking pace we have the time to 'smell the roses' - to take part in everything that is happening in our community - to stop and look at a garden - to window shop - to say a kind word or lend a hand if need be.  This is what I love about walking!

And you won't see me talking on my cell phone!  I do not own one!  I don't believe in them - except for emergencies!  Don't get me wrong - I am not a technophobe!  I believe in all the latest technology.  I own a 29" iMac Desktop Computer, have an AI 56" Flat Screen LG TV and am very much for the growth of technology and AI into the workplace to reduce the necessity of having people perform rote jobs.  I just don't believe that cell phones are good for society - even though most people treat them like they cannot live without them.  They can - and in the future - they will!  That is my prophecy for today!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...


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