A Warm Welcome!

I am a relative newcomer to blogging.  I took this 'challenge' on as someone I respect very much, Mike Cohen, encouraged me to do so.  My objective is to create relevant material for anyone who is interested about NDG and the areas my life take me into.

As a first step, I'd like to start at the beginning.

I lived in NDG most of my teen years.  Life took me abroad during my late teens and through my twenties as I competed on the professional racquetball tour, then returned home to do my BSc. in Biology at Concordia, then traveled to Guelph, ON where I completed my DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine).

I returned home to NDG and rather than getting busy in my new profession, got involved in two of the other passions of my life; fitness & racquet sports and golf - accepting positions working as a squash and racquetball professional at two Nautilus Plus locations as well as working as a golf professional at Elm Ridge Country Club.

Since 1989, for the very vast majority of my life, I have lived in NDG.  I am a fan of our wonderful borough - believing it has the potential to be the greatest community in the world!

This is my mission - through dedicated, hard and smart work - I aim to help to transform NDG into what I call 'Heaven on Earth.'

My goal is to create a blog post every week or so, with my ideas, thoughts and actions towards this end.  I encourage you to not only read my posts, but to get active in assisting me towards elevating our community.  We will all gain from this!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...




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