St. Ignatius: A Very Alive Church in NDG's West End

 Just over a month ago, I had two great friends visit from New Hampshire - Kim Bownes and Cat Tartaglia.  They were only in for the day and we had an aggressive itinerary planned - starting with a visit to Kim's great friends - Kathleen Casey and Eric Cook.  We had an amazing visit and really could have stayed all afternoon were it not for our plans to go out to visit my Mum in her new Senior's Residence and then to go out for dinner at Le Manoir West Island - where I had invited a couple of Kim's other friends from her past, Dave Stotland and Dr. Brent Brooks.

In speaking with Kathleen Casey subsequent to our visit to her house - she encouraged me to come and check out St. Ignatius Parish - a church very close to my home - where both she and Eric serve.

I hadn't seen Kathleen and Eric for several years before this meeting - and was overwhelmed by their goodness - and just the way they carried themselves.  I was so impressed that I made it a point to attend church the following Sunday.

I call the last 20+ years of my life a 'journey into the heart of God.'  With that said, I do not consider myself part of any organized religion.  Frankly I do not believe in religion.  But I do believe in community.  And I do believe that people - the very large majority of people are inherently good and loving.  This is what I have found at St. Ignatius Parish.  Everyone - from Mike Leclerc the lead pastor and all who represent the church - to everyone who volunteers - and there are a load of people who do this(!) - to all of the congregants - I have witnessed a tremendously kind and loving community which I feel very grateful to be a part of.

What I have found so amazing and special about the people who attend St. Ignatius Parish is their youth!  I had not been to church in a very long time previous to this - and my sense was that the very vast majority of attendees were old.  This could not be further from the case - of the 300 or so people in attendance weekly - the majority are young families - and with what must be close to 100 young children - who laugh, smile, play and run - and just are enjoying their time being a part of this entire experience!  I love children - and seeing so many - having such a great time - is what enlivens me!

My cohort Andy Coolman and I have developed a ritual around Sunday mornings now!  I meet him at our 'office' at 8am sharp - where we have our 'breakfast buffet' - of a pogo for me and two egg rolls for Andy.  We then head to my place to watch music videos of Andy's favourite rock groups - and then head to church in time for the 10am start.  It is something we have come to look forward to all week!

An unabashed plug!  I have come to know and love Anna Del Duca, the Administrative Assistant at St. Ignatius Parish over the years - mostly from meeting her on my walks along Sherbrooke Street.  In recent weeks she told me about her passion for painting.  I created a very basic website for her - in order to inform people about her talents.  You can see this here:  Anna Del Duca.

I encourage you to come and be a part of this amazing church - whether you believe in religion or not.  You will meet great people, hear wonderful music and overall just have a great time!  The service begins every Sunday at 10am and generally runs through 11:15am.

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...


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