A Departure - But Not Really!

In my blog posts I am making a decided effort to speak about local people, places and events.  Given my desire to outline Heaven on Earth for every person and to demonstrate to you all how we can accomplish living in this Heaven on Earth - right here and right now - I thought this post was necessary and indicated - for people living in NDG as well as those living in every corner of this world.

My life over the past 20 years has been decidedly different to likely every other person on the planet.  It has been an amazing and intimate walk with God - characterized by no less than 6 hospitalizations of between 2 and 6 months - because of nothing more than my proximity to Him - and my family and friends belief that somehow I was in danger - which was never the case.

Please enjoy the video and pass it on to everyone you know!

Wishing you peace, love and joy always...




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